Service Locator

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Boost customer satisfaction by providing access to authorized service providers and customer support offices around the world.

Allow customers to locate authorized service providers and corporate care offices from anywhere in the world. Locations can be viewed on an interactive world map or as a sortable directory. The app can detect the customer’s current location and retrieve directions to any office around the world. Customers can directly call or email any contact person right from within the application, or save contacts to their device’s address book for future reference.

Who uses the Gazoo Mobile Service Locator?
Rolls-Royce Aerospace - GazooMobile Client


Product Highlights

Interactive maps
Pinch and zoom to view service locations around the world, on any continent, country or city. Tap on any location on the map to view office details including the address, phone numbers, emails and URL.

Email or call within the app
Directly email or telephone authorized service providers or corporate care managers without leaving the application.

Save contacts to address book
Add contact details such as the location name, address, phone numbers, emails and contact photograph to the mobile device’s address book for future reference.

Subscription and user management
Set user permissions from a central admin portal to ensure only authorized customers can log in to the application.

Detailed contact information
Provide in-depth contact information for service providers or customer care contact persons including name, title, addresses, emails, phone numbers, region, website URLs and even photographs.

Group, order and sort locations
List service locations in multiple directly formats including sorted or grouped by region, proximity, name and more.

Directions to any office
Retrieve Google Map directions to any service provider around the world or to the nearest provider based on the customer’s current location.

Work online and offline
Continue to use the majority of the application’s features even without data or a WiFi connections while on the field.

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Aerospace Clients and Case Studies

FlightSafety - GazooMobile Client

Rolls-Royce - GazooMobile Client

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